Alison Deming is the author of six books, including Science and Other Poems, The Monarchs: A Poem Sequence; a collection of essays, Temporary Homelands; and Girls in the Jungle: What Does It Take for a Woman to Survive as an Artist (chapbook/poster from Kore Press). She has edited Poetry of the American West: A Columbia Anthology. Among other awards, she has received a Wallace Stegner Fellowship at Stanford University, two NEA Fellowships, a Pushcart Prize and a fellowship from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown.

She is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Arizona as well as the former director of the UA Poetry Center.

Four of her works are available from Kore Press:
Girls in the Jungle: What Does it Take for a Woman to Survive as an Artist?; A Broadside
Anatomy of Desire: The Daughter/Mother Sessions

The Monarchs; on audio CD

Women's Voices Against the War: Rehearsal Space for War; A Broadside



". . . poetry is the stubborn grass that grows between the cracks in the sidewalk."

-Alison Hawthorne Deming