2013 Kore Press Artist PLEDGE FORM: In-Kind Contribution

(Please e-mail, fax or mail completed form with all information requested below and on the next page by Sept 26, 2013 to

Pam: art@korepress.org, fax: 520-327-2127, or PO Box 42315, 85733)

                                                                                        pledge to donate a work of art entitled

_________________________________to Kore Press for their 2013 silent auction on November

10, 2013. This gift will support a 20 year tradition of progressive social change through literary activism (publishing the creative genius of women writers and engaging the community, especially girls, with award-winning, innovative programming.) The work may be shown on-line for international viewing and purchase if it is not part of the themed, on-site auction. The final artwork included in the Auction is at the discretion of the Kore Press Jurors and Auction Team.

______ I am submitting work in response to the theme (noted below) and will send as an attachment a 300 dpi JPEG (4x5” approx) of my artwork to Pam (art@korepress.org) by Sept 26, 2013. I will submit in the body of the email my name, title of work, medium, size, min bid, "buy-now" price (if you wish to set that), value, and website address.

______* Work that has a story; is informed or inspired by, was created for, intersects with, or uses

                language, poetry, literature or words in some way.
______* Work that is innovative, collaborative, or performative using language in its construction or

______* Work that is inspired by or in relationship to Kore, books, or a specific Kore project, or

                program  (historic or current).
______* Work that is time-based, that repeats or is indicative of "generations" (ie, mothers/daughters,

                teachers/students, or, something else that is demonstrative or illustrative of the continuation of


______* Something similar but slant. . . . (try us!)

______ I am submitting non-themed work and will send as an attachment a 300 dpi JPEG (4x5” approx) of my artwork to Lucia (art@korepress.org) no later than Sept 26, 2013. I will submit in the body of the email my name, title of work, medium, size, min bid, "buy-now" price (if you wish to set it), value, and website address.

______ I need my artwork photographed for the online preview  and/or online show, and will deliver it to the Kore Press office by October 9 for shooting.

______ Please reserve one ticket for me to the event. DONATING ARTISTS ARE THE GUESTS OF KORE PRESS. We are limiting ticket sales, not including artists, to 200 this year.


______ I would like the image of my work to be considered for future use on a book cover.

_____________________________________                          ________________________

Signature                                                                                           Date



Art/Artist specs





Retail Value:

Min. bid:

(Artwork will not sell below the min bid. Unsold artwork will be returned to artists unless s/he makes the donation outright)

Buy Now Price:

Is This An Outright Donation?   YES    NO

Theme:   YES         NO




It is preferable if possible to please provide 2-D artwork ready for display (framed or protected in glassine envelope with backing, at least). If this is not possible, let us know as we may have some limited framing donated.


What is the story of your piece? (50-100 words):










_________I will deliver the artwork by Oct 11, 2013, to the Kore Press office at 240A N Court Avenue, 85701 (downtown, corner of Court and Council; 20 minute loading in front of door; Kore's door is the SW corner of the Women's Commission Building). Please call in advance to schedule drop off: 327-2127.

_______I will need the artwork to be picked up. I will call to arrange a time/date by Oct 3. 327-2127.

(Although the need to do so is occasional, Kore Press will return to the donor any work that does not sell for the minimum bid unless the artist specifies the donation is outright.)  Thank you very much for your support!