May 20, 2015 / Mangoes in Early Fall
Shauna Osborn
Mangoes in Early Fall
There's no civilized way to eat some fruits–-
just savage sucking & ripping of flesh,
the large white seed in the center
waiting to be exposed. Bite into it
like an apple or a peach–such sweetness
drips down the throat, blonde fibers
much like corn silk & just as uneatable.
This exotic tropical fruit–only seen in
romantic comedies located in some
exotic place–never grown amongst
the pear trees & grape vines. & when
the large white seed with remaining amber
mohair is put on the plate with the
toughened shaved skin (read rind)
that couldn't be chewed, the poem is done
gone, left in the space of time that can only
be broken with teeth marks through inviting
red/green flesh
This poem first appeared in Cultural Weekly
Curator's notes

Allison Adelle Hedge Coke:
This bit of tantalizing beauty brings full flavored poetic process into the tactile challenge of devouring whole fresh fruit. Nothing good comes easy, you might say, and yet, every bit of it is nourishing and brings some sense of relative sensory element worth the taking. Fulfilling and gorgeous.

Shauna Osborn Comanche/German mestiza who works as an artist, wordsmith, and community organizer. She has received a National Poetry Award from the New York Public Library, the Luminaire Award for Best Poetry from Alternating Current Press, the Native Writer Award from Taos Summer Writers’ Conference, she is the current Room of Her Own Visual Artist in Residence, Studio Hour Leader, Consultant, and Waves Discussion Series Contributor. Her poem, "Mangoes in Early Fall," was a Cultural Weekly contest winner.